Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slowing down

My youngest son, Kyle, is learning to drive and he needs to log 50 hours of driving.  I took a long ride with him up to the north shore today and we stopped by the farmers market and had a nice lunch in Haliewa.  It was a very nice day, but riding in a car with someone who is following the speed limit exactly made me realize just how much we tend to rush through things.  (And how much most of us really speed - I admit to my lead foot).  It was a gorgeous day with beautiful scenery, but everyone was anxious to get around us to go faster.  I think that God probably looks at us daily with this question - what is the rush?  He gives us things to do and a plan for our life, but not in order to just rush off to the next item or event.   He created the beauty that is around us because it tells us who he is.  As we slow down and reflect on our day or his creation, it should cause us to worship the Creator.  So today I encourage each of us to slow down and enjoy God's creation.  "Be still and know that I am God."

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