Friday, October 29, 2010


There is the old line that idleness is the devil's favorite weapon, but I think in today's fast paced world, it is busyness. We are all so busy that we can't sit down for a meal together, have time to enjoy a calm conversation with our family or just to give thanks for our blessings. We run from one event to another with hardly a moment to breathe. And it is all done in the name of progress or improvement. Satan loves this need that we all have to do more, be more, achieve more. The more busy we become, the less time we have for God and for our relationship with God. Satan jumps in and reminds us how important we are and how necessary each of our "things" are for our lives or our children's lives. Now don't misunderstand, being busy is okay - as long as we don't allow it to pull us away from our first priority, which is to worship the Creator. The question is whether we have prayed to God and asked him to help us decide how busy we need to be. Which activities are blessed by God and which are enjoyed by Satan? Join me today in a time of idleness. Worship the Lord and ask for help in setting priorities and boundaries on our time.
"Be still and know that I am God"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fear Not

Ever wonder how come there are so many passages in the Bible where we are told to "fear not"? Perhaps it is because it is a natural human tendency to be fearful, and God wants to remind us that we don't have to be fearful any more. We only need to trust him. When we place our lives in the hands of Jesus, he is our protector. He has already provided eternal protection for us for all of eternity through his saving grace on the cross. What more is there to fear?

I know that in the reality of life here in this world there are frightening things happening. Sin and evil surrounds us, but we have a power greater that he who is in the world. Access that power the next time you are afraid. Draw from the strength of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit and allow the peace of God to replace the fear of satan.

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." -1John 4:4

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Morning praise

I just returned from my walk with my dogs this morning and I want to just praise God. I can still see a few stars in the sky, reminding me of the night of rest and of God's protection while I sleep. The sun has not yet risen but I know there is the promise of this new day. It is cool and quiet; most of the neighbors have not yet begun their day. A wonderful time to just praise God for who he is and for his perfect creation. I pray that God will bless each of you today and that you will feel his presence in all that you do. To God be the glory!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blessed Day

What a wonderful day! I had the opportunity to fellowship with the women of my church today at a brunch at Wai'oli Tea Room in Manoa. I always love going there since the scenery and the food is great, but this was also the kickoff for a new women's bible study by Priscilla Shirer. I am excited about this study and about what I know God will be doing in the lives of all of us as we work through this study together. How wonderful it is that we can learn from each other and support one another as women of faith. I say thank you to all my sisters in Christ!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Day

As I took my dogs for their morning walk today, I was struck by how excited they were. Especially in comparison to me! It is 5:45am and they can hardly contain their excitement. And that is how dogs are about most things. Mine just stare at me and wait for me to awake. Yea, Mom's up! Now our day can start! Can't you just see their tails wagging and see them jumping around. Now turn to me first thing in the morning. Totally different picture. "What time is it? Can I go back to sleep for another delay on the clock? What day is it anyway? Ugh!"
I need to be more like my dogs - wondering what the day will bring and excited at the prospects. "This is the day that the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24

Monday, October 11, 2010

Privilege of serving

As I have been preparing for my first sermon to give in class, I have become acutely aware of the privilege that it entails. To have the opportunity to teach or preach God's message to others is truly a blessing. It is also a responsibility that must not be taken lightly. I don't know if I will ever be called to preach outside of this class, but I do know that I have been called to teach God's word. Either way, I am struck by how it humbles me. Who am I to be used in this way? I think that anything that God has called us to do should be considered sacred and a blessing, for we are serving The Living God. Lord, I pray for wisdom and guidance and I am thankful for the opportunity to serve you. I pray for all of those that are reading this blog, that you will show each of them how to use their gifts and talents for you as we all move forward on our journey of faith in service.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near." - Philippians 4:4-5

The Apostle Paul begins his exhortation on the way to stay firm in the Lord with this
passage. First, we are to rejoice always, no matter the circumstances. Second, our gentleness should be seen by all - not just our fellow Christians on Sunday morning, but all through the week in all circumstances. Gentleness, used here means Christlike consideration for others. Third, remember that the Lord is always with us.
Very simple - in theory. More difficult to actually do. I want to focus on the Christlike consideration for others this week because I know I often fail in this area. Remember that the Lord is near and wants to assist us in our weaknesses.
I just got home from class and am excited about what I know we are going to learn this term. I am taking preaching, which would have terrified me in the past, but God has been placing me in speaking situations over and over again preparing me for this.  Every time I get in front of a group and speak, I know God is with me.  It is one of those things I can not do on my own power.  God uses our weakness to reveal his power.  We listened to a sermon tonight to critique it and I was struck by a comment made in the sermon.  The speaker said that theology matters, meaning that using our heads to learn about God and to understand God's word, leads to worshiping God with our hearts.  I love the blessings that I have received through these classes and the more I learn, the more I love God.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Well, it has been several days since I posted anything so I apologize.  I have been helping David move into town and was preparing a lecture to give at a conference today, so my focus was elsewhere.  However, there are always other things to distract us and to keep us busy.  I have to be careful that I don't let all the things that need to get done take priority over time with God or in doing the things that I know that God has directed me to do. God is so good and has such good plans for our lives, but we need to follow that plan.  I did accomplish alot this weekend and did alot of important things.  I needed to have time with my husband and sons and friends - God doesn't want me to given up these relationships.  But I think he does want me to keep my focus on the task that he has laid on my heart and to set up my schedule in a way that will allow me to keep moving forward.  In this way I will honor God.