Sunday, September 26, 2010

One Month

I realized today that it has been a month since I started this blog.  For the first couple of weeks, I only shared it with 2 or 3 people, then I told a few more each week.  I still have only a small following but I am being faithful to God's direction and trust that God will use it to help or bless someone.  I do ask for those who are following my thoughts/devotions/ramblings, to please share the site with someone that you feel could use it.  Also, I love to have comments, but don't feel obligated.  I try to share what is on my heart and hope you will joint me on this endeavor to live a life of faith in such a way that those around us can see Christ.

As I review the postings of the past month, I can see areas that I still need to work on.  But that's okay.  God knows that I am a work in progress.  I think that it helps me to review my past convictions, so I can continue to focus and pray on these areas.  I know that God is faithful and that through him, all things are possible - even memorizing scripture.  Let's keep each other in prayer as we move forward in faith this week.

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