Monday, September 27, 2010


I feel very peaceful today even though it is Monday and one of the other providers at work was sick and another is on vacation, so I needed to pick up extra patients today.  I feel peaceful today even though it is also the end of our fiscal year, so end of year reports and updates on programs and our self evaluations are all due.  I feel peaceful today even though I have agreed to do a lecture in one week for the Hawaii PA Conference and I haven't even started on my powerpoint presentation.  I feel peaceful today because I spent some good quality time with God this weekend and God's peace is within me.  The peace of God can fill us, so that we don't have to get  or anxious when life gets busy (which is all the time for most of us).  The peace of God is my calm in the storm.  I know that God is in control and as long as I do my part, all the things that I really need to get done, will get done.  Peace - what a wonderful gift!

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful."  Colossians 3:15


Lisa said...

I pray that we are filled with God's peace and joy .. He is the calm in the storm of life if we only remember and turn it all over to him!

Lndrn said...

Sometimes when there is peace, I think that I am not deserving or something is wrong. Thank you for the reminder, that peace is good and a gift from God.