Monday, August 23, 2010

Being faithful in the little things

Today I came home from work and answered some emails- finally.  I often glance over email messages quickly and plan to get back to those that need an answer later.  Sounds reasonable, but of course, later gets pushed back to never.  So much time passes, an answer is no longer required.  So what is wrong with this?  After all, we are all busy and understand. 
Well, the problem is that I am not being faithful to my commitments or friendships or whatever is involved. What example am I setting?  As Christians, we are called to live a life that mirrors Christ, in everything we do.  Not just the big things, but in everything.  My failure to answer an email in a timely manner is showing my selfishness.  It shows my pride by saying that my time is more important than the other person.  Now of course, there are times where we just can't do everything and priorities need to be set, but this is not the case in this discussion.
I realize that I need to be faithful in the little things because they form the pattern of my life.  How can I expect to live a life of faithful service to others, if I don't begin with common courtesy.

1 comment:

North Shore Craft Girl said...

I can really relate to this post. I have felt like a heal and mean at times these past few weeks not answering calls or emails. I keep telling myself that i just have to focus on my family and me right now, but a part of me is says what would have happened had Jesus said that to the world, to all of us. when he faced a trial.
Thank you Sharon for bring this all to head for me.
Hugs to you.