Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Being an example

I have a 3 year old poodle mix (Chewy) and his son (Max), who is now 6 months old.  Both are cute and hyperactive and make me laugh every day.  I took them for their walk after I came home from work today and  couldn't help but  laugh as I watched Max.  Over the past few months, he has been slowing learning to copy all the things that Chewy does.  Initially, Max only ran along beside Chewy, but then he learned to start smelling everything and finally that he was suppose to be doing his business.  Now he is just a mimic.  Today for the first time he did that little back leg scratch thing that dogs do in the grass, showing who is in charge - just like Chewy.  Chewy has been demonstrating to Max what it means and what it looks like to be a dog. 

It made me think about how we also set the example for our children.  What are we teaching them about faith, about God, about priorities and about service.  What am I teaching my children on how to be a Christian?  As I examine my life, I have to admit that I have fallen down in this area as my children have gotten older.  They see me reading, praying, serving at church and worshiping God.  But do they see me as living a life truly in service?  I fear that I have not demonstrated a faith that is always lived out in service to others.  As I continue on this journey, I will be more aware of how I reveal my Christian life to my children and to others,  so that I can be a better witness.

1 comment:

North Shore Craft Girl said...

Man, this hits home big time. I think about that everyday. I sometimes feel so wrapped up in the everyday, that I don't stop and think what I am teaching my Kiddo. You know I was warmed to my heart last morning when I woke early to had out meds and found my munchkin quite huddled in the corner with a book. I looked closely and asked what was going on? My munchkin replied " I am doing my devotional mommy" it still brings tears to my eyes. Sometimes God teaches us through there innocence.

Big Hugs..